Kindergarten Program

Children must turn 5 years old by September 30th

gardening butterflies

Kindergarten means “a child’s garden” and at Prince of Peace Lutheran School we think of our Kindergarten as a garden...
  • Where children are nurtured and learning is cultivated
  • Where all parts of a child can grow and develop
  • Where each child can flourish and blossom
Kindergarten - Class for School Year 2023-2024
  • 5-Day Program, Monday to Friday, from 8:45am-12pm
  • An extended day option is an available add-on for all programs.

Registration & Tuition Information

Kindergarten - Program Details
eye dropper artIn our classroom we encourage, celebrate and foster:
  • Individual strengths and differences
  • Character, conscience, and faith development
  • Curiosity and interest as tools for learning
  • Gross and fine motor development
  • Problem-solving and critical thinking skills
  • Creative expression in the arts                                     
  • Individual, partner, and small group learning
  • Cooperative, courteous and kind interactions 
Kindergarten - Focused Areas of Development
Literacy and Language Development 

Research and practice demonstrate that life-long readers are those who have been continuously surrounded by opportunities for hearing, seeing and loving stories. The desire and disposition to read is more than "cracking the code." A passion and a competence for reading, for writing and for speaking are grown in places in which reading and writing and speaking are taught and learned in developmentally appropriate ways.  We engage a variety of strategies - - including  phonics, whole language, print recognition, picture and content clues, and emergent literacy approaches - - to foster a love and a disposition for the language arts.

Science & Math

The natural curiosity of children about the world around them is the springboard for learning about science and math during the Kindergarten Year. Science units include Life Science, the Five Senses and Weather. Children delight in the caring of our "Butterfly Garden" which is a "hands on" way to introduce and reinforce life science concepts. Math concepts including Number Sense, Patterns and Computation are taught during both large and small group instruction.

music and movement

All children in our Kindergarten Program attend Chapel, in our Sanctuary with our Pastor every other week during the School Year. Knowing that children are spiritual, these liturgies are written with children in mind. These short worship services seek to connect children to God who loves and cares for them always. 

Specialty Offerings

In addition to our emphasis on literacy and language development, our kindergarten boasts Music and Movement, Art and Physical Education programs weekly. These specialists work with the Kindergarten Teacher to scaffold and support the learning that is occurring in the classroom. Each of these are taught by early childhood specialists who not only have notable expertise and experience, but take a delight in offering rich opportunities for children to explore and develop a disposition to learn and love learning in these areas.