4 Year Old Program

Now that I’m four... Open the door! 
This program is for children who are 4 years old by September 30th

Knowing that children learn best when activities are challenging, meaningful and engage the whole child, teachers plan an environment and activities with many doors to open... or to open wider. 

Four's - Classes for School Year 2023-2024
  • Our 2-Day AM Program is Tuesday & Thursday mornings from 9am-12pm
  • Our 3-Day AM Program Monday, Wednesday & Friday option from 9am-12pm.
  • Our 3-Day AM Program Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday option from 9am-12pm
  • Our 5-day AM Program is Monday through Friday mornings from 9am -12pm
  • An extended day option is an available add-on for all programs.

Registration & Tuition Information

Four's Program Details
Goals of the Four's Program are to provide opportunities and materials for . . .
  • thinking and wondering
  • observing and problem-solving
  • enjoying emergent literacy opportunities with reading and writing
  • making new friends
  • being physically active and agile
  • imagining and inventing
  • music-making and music-listening
  • appreciating and experiencing the arts
  • feeling God’s love
  • learning leadership skills by helping others
  • learning that Jesus is our Best Friend
  • attending Chapel services every other week
  • cooking and enjoying snack time together
Four's - Focused Areas of Development
  • Social/Emotional Development - Feeling Safe, happy and having a sense of community, enjoying coming to school, respect for self and others, supporting development of self-esteem and forgiveness, helping others, forging friendships, leadership skills and seeking help from trusted adults. Our teachers plan for community building and a positive learning environment.
  • Language Development - use words to communicate wants, to express feelings and thoughts, develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, love for conversation, books and storytelling.
  • Cognitive Development - Thinking and wondering, observing and problem-solving, imagining and inventing. Our teachers plan hands-on opportunities for experimenting and trying out ideas in math, science and engineering. Nature explorations, cooking, building blocks and gardening are planned.
  • Physical Development - Being physically active and agile, learning new skills, movements and coordination ~Writing, drawing, eye-hand coordination. Teachers plan and support outside play as a learning time. Our playground spaces support exploration, climbing, running and balancing activities. Teachers support fine motor skills as the children strengthen fingers through playdough, using a brush or crayon, and connecting small pieces together.
  • Aesthetic Development - Creating visual arts, music, drama and dance. Respecting and valuing the art of others. Teachers plan for daily process art opportunities. Singing, drama and dance occur throughout the day. Children enjoy singing, playing instruments, listening to music, and dancing during the weekly time with our Music and Movement Specialist.
  • Spiritual Development - Feeling God's love, talking to God, caring for others, learning about Jesus' birth, life and ministry, and learning He is our Best Friend. Our teachers show God's love to children and families. They share the stories from the Bible and help children learn more about Jesus through age appropriate play activities. Children and teachers pray and worship together in the classroom and during Chapel Times.